Have you prayed about going on a mission trip? It may seem impossible, but the God of the universe has the money, place, and time for you to go.

Check out these God-given possibilities.
Women sewing
Dehli, India
Pictures from Shimla, India
A New Friend
South Africa
Cotton Candy
in Shimla, India
in Delhi, India
Evangelistic Basketball Clinic
Bujumbura, Brundi
Cooking for Pastors conference
Bujumbura, Brundi
Bible school and Training center
Bujumbura, Brundi

Stand Amazed

A mission trip will without doubt be a life changing experience.  Seeing first-hand the life changing power of the  Gospel, in a foreign land, is like  a dream come true.  Experience what it is like to hear the Good News of Jesus the first time it is told to foreign ears.

New Experiences

On a mission trip you must be fluid, not just flexible.  You will see things you never knew existed.  But, God, in His infinite wisdom will, through the Holy Spirit, tell you what you never knew and give you what to say in those situations you will encounter as you witness to others.

New And The Old 

Some days time will stand still.  Other days, it will go so fast you will wonder where it went.  But, no worry, Father will take care of you as you become familiar with His workings in a new place.

About Us

Get to know more about what makes us different.

 At Sports & Rec Plus we keep our eyes on doing God's Will.  Our mission is not just to make people feel good by just giving them physical help.  But,  every day and all day we seek to give them what they need, the Gospel.

As we like to say it.  We give people what they want, fun and games, in order to give them what they need, the Gospel.